Les Verriers du Palais
4 Rue des Esc. Sainte-Anne
84000  Avignon
N°TVA : FR61919689091


At Les Verriers du Palais, we sculpt and engrave glass using the sandblasting technique. This is an artisanal technique that allows us to shape the glass and personalize it to your desires. Contact our workshop for more information.

LE sablage en aplat

Sandblasting is a craft technique of glass engraving generally carried out on the back of the plate. We frost or dig flat. As a decorative glassmaker, we play on the depths in order to reveal a decoration by sculpting it. It is a graphic technique because in the same way as pencil shading, we model the surface.

Modeled sandblasting

Sandblasting can be carried out in modeled form. As on the tympanum of churches, we sculpt the material on the right side. This technique is sometimes considered more complicated because the sculpture mechanics are reversed.

Based in Avignon in the Vaucluse, we welcome individuals and professionals in our workshop. Also discover the silvering technique that we use for the creation of artisanal mirrors.

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